Hind sisaldab käibemaksu 22%SoldVEHICLE DETAILS
Vehicle equipment
- Safety package (ABS, EBD, TRC+, ESC, 2 air bags)
- Hill Hold (start-up assitance on the rise)
- Hill Descent (downhill assistance)
- Cruise control
- Electric windows, mirrors
- Tripometer and on-board computer
- Cabin and living area divider curtain
- Air conditioning in the cabin (manual)
- Central locking system in the cabin
- Cabin seats with armrests
- Seat covers on cabin seats
Living area
- Fiberglass (GFK) exterior
- Fibreglass (GFK) bottom, roof
- Fibreglass (GFK) interior walls, bottom, ceiling
- Living area's walls made of Sandvich panels (insulation material thickness33 mm)
- Styrofoam (XPS) high quality insulation material
- Timber-free hull construction
- Trash can on the door of the living area
- Insect net on the door of a living area
- Thermal blinds and insect nets on all windows and sunroofs
- Shower and WC together
- Sink in the WC
- Chemical WC Thetford
- Fridge137 litres with a freezer (gas + 12v + 220v)
- Gas stove (2 burners)
- Sink in the living area
- LED lights in the living area
- LED reading lamps above the beds
- USB plugs in the living area
- 230 V plugs in the living area 3 pcs
- 12 V plugs in the living area 1 pcs
- Digital living area's lighting / systems control panel
- Living area's batteryVarta G-14 (95 aH) AGM
- Extendable TV stand in the living area
- Rear view camera installation preparation (RCA cables installed)
- Living area's air conditioning installation preparation (cabling completed)
- Solar panel installation preparation (in-vehicle cabling completed)
- Twin bedroom at the back of the motorhome (connects to a wide bed)
- Beds made up of tables and seats in the living area
- Comfortable high-quality mattresses
- Bed mattress support on wooden flags
- Voodi matkaauto tagaosas ühel küljel kahele (French Bed))
- Kaks eraldi voodit (WC ja Dušširuum sõiduki tagaosas)
- Matkaauto tagaosas üks suur täislaiuses reguleeritava kõrgusega voodi (FLEXY SPACE GARAGE))
- POP-UP katusevoodi kahele
- Narivoodi tagaosas
- Textile upholstered seats in the living area
- Truma Combi 6 EH (6000 W + 1800 W) gas + electric heater
- Truma vent
- Truma CP Plus digital heating control panel
- Winter package (insulated, electrically heated wastewater tank)
- Water pump Shurflo
- Underfloor heating (electric)
- Storage room in the back of the vehicle
Installed accessories
EST: Udutuled; Täiustatud veojõukontroll; 16" valuveljed; Raadio juhtnupud roolil; Püsikiiruse hoidja; CD-stereo ALPINE (CD, USB, MP3); Käetugedega kabiiniistmed; Kesklukustusega elamuosa ja kabiiniuksed; Kahe lukustuspunkti-, akna- ja putukavõrguga elamuosa uks; Päikesepaneel 120W; Plisseeritud kabiiniakende pimendusrulood; Külmkapp 137 liitrit koos sügavkülmikuga (gaas + 12v + 220v); Nahkkattega istmed kabiinis ning elamuosas; LED valgustus elamuosas; NUTI-TV (HDMI, USB, DVD-mängija); Nari sõiduki tagaosas; Lai voodi (1600 x 2100 mm) kabiiniosa kohal; Elamuosa laudadest ja istmetest moodustatavad voodid; Termorulood ja putukavõrgud kõigil akendel ja katuseluukidel (v.a. WC); Panipaik sõiduki tagaosas (nari all); Tahavaatekaamera; ISOFIX; Jalgrattahoidja 4-le rattale; Markiis 4,5 meetrit matkaauto küljel; Talvepakett; Täiendava soojus- ja müraisolatsiooniga elamuosa trepp; Elektriline põrandaküte (230V toide)
ENG: Fog lights; Improved traction control; 16" alloy wheels; Radio controls on the steering wheel; Cruise control; CD-stereo ALPINE (CD, USB, MP3); Cabin seats with armrests; Centrally locking living area and cabin doors; Living unit door with double locking point and window.; Solar panel 120W; Pleated Cabin plinds; Refrigerator 137 liters with freezer (gas + 12v + 220v); Leather-covered seats in the cabin and in the living area; LED lighting in the residential area; SMART TV (HDMI, USB, DVD player); A bunk in the back of the vehicle; Wide bed (1600 x 2100 mm) above the cabin part; Beds formed from tables and seats in the living area; Thermal blinds and insect nets on all windows and sunroofs (except WC); Storage space in the back of the vehicle (under the bunk); Rear view camera; ISOFIX; Bicycle holder (4 pcs); Awning 4.5m; Winter package; Living room staircase with additional heat and noise insulation; Electric floor heating (if 230V power is available)
See also other similar motorhomes.